Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 Can anyone recommend the best and most trusted driver for a Apple Magic Trackpad please? I want to use it on my HP Laptop and it does work but not well enough, no gestures for example? Tags: HP ENVY 17.3 inch Laptop PC 17-ch0000...
Windows Precision Touchpad Driver Implementation for Apple MacBook / Magic Trackpad hiddrivertrackpadbluetoothspiusb-hidwindows-driverbluetooth-hidwindows-precision-touchpadapple-macbook UpdatedJan 7, 2024 C mongodb/mongo-go-driver Star8.3k Code ...
Magic Trackpad 2 Precision Touchpad driver for Windows (USB-only), based on the imbushuo driver, with Control Panel to set haptic feedback and options to improve pointer precision. *** October 2024 Magic Trackpad 2 supported. *** hiddrivertrackpadusb-hidwindows-driverwindows-precision-touchpad...
Nick founded MacHow2 in 2013 and has a bachelor's degree in Journalism. Nick started life as a tech journalist and created MacHow2 mainly to help users like himself that had switched from Windows to macOS (and never looked back). Since then the site has evolved into one of the biggest...
Registered:2024-03-26 05:45:10 Location:United States of America Views:45 Message3of6 2024-03-27 01:12:56 Re:Need help finding correct driver for P14s Gen 2 Trackpad/Trackpoint (non-functional) Hi! thank you, I've read that this seems...
✅ Magic Trackpad 2 driver problem.:I recently installed this third-party driver for the Apple Magic Trackpad 2 that improves the functionality of that trackpad on Windows-OS. However, I...
Trackpad++Control Module bootcamp安装Windows之后,触控板功能受到限制,Trackpad_Plus_Plus很好的解决了这一问题,增加三指拖拽,四指打开所有应用,双指滑动方向等,当然要配合Power Plan Assistant使用 上传者:guang_s时间:2018-12-04 windows下magic mouse2和magic trackpad2的驱动 ...
Windows XP (x64) 安装信息:设备类型: HIDClass GUID: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da} 安装文件:\magictrackpad.inf 下载驱动包 提示:有些硬件设备比较特殊,如果你发现重新安装驱动包还不行,或者安装过程中发生中断,建议先将旧的驱动包卸载干净,然后再安装新的驱动包。
This project implements Windows Precision Touchpad Protocol for Apple MacBook family/Magic Trackpad 2 on Windows 10. Both USB (traditional and T2), SPI and Bluetooth trackpads are supported. Donation? A few people asked me why I removed donation. My current financial situation doesn't require ...
This project implements Windows Precision Touchpad Protocol for Apple MacBook family/Magic Trackpad 2 on Windows 10. Both USB (traditional and T2) and SPI trackpads are supported. If you like my work, please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!