Nvidia GT 610 with 1GB DDR3? Yeah, this $140 Intel card is not a gaming monster but would would seriously make a difference in Plex, content creation and multimedia. Awesome. Now if I can find one in stock... Reactions: griff30 like this Prev 1 2 You must log in or register ...
Brand new GT610 1GB independent graphics card computer desktop easy office game small chassis DDR3 memory VGA $15.00 - $16.00 Min. order: 1 box Colorful gtx 1650 ultra 4Gb E5-1650 nvidia Geforce Rtx New Pc Gamer Core I7 Ram 16Gb 512Gb Ssd Xeon E5 1650 v2 colorfu gtx 1650 $225.00 - ...
修正了当显存受到限制时「战地 3 (Battlefield 3)」中出现纹理花屏/伪影的情况 (此类情况通常为使用显存容量不大于 1GB 的显卡以超级设置和高分辨率运行游戏)。 其它 支持多种针对 GPU 计算的编程语言和 API:CUDA C、CUDA C++、CUDA Fortran、OpenCL、DirectCompute 以及 Microsoft C++ AMP。
This is the first WHQL-certified driver from the R295 family of drivers for Windows 7 and Windows Vista (for the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, this is a preview driver). 我们建议所有英伟达精视用户升级至该驱动程序,尤其是那些玩最新火爆 PC 游戏的用户,这类游戏包括「战地 3 (Battlefield 3)」、「...