precum EasyAntiCheat, Battleye și Xigncode3, deja folosesc un driver de nucleu pentru a-ți proteja jocurile AAA preferate. Tot ceea ce facem e să ne instalăm propriul bucătar în bucătăria Windows, astfel încât atunci când întrebăm ''unde-i carnea de vit...
you'll find many cities, each with its own special vibe. But amidst the bright lights and wide-open spaces, there are a few cities that really try to impress you. Below are the most pretentious cities in Texas as voted on by Reddit users. We've included some of the best quotes from ...
Non si tratta di niente di nuovo. Diversi sistemi anti-cheat di terze parti (come EasyAntiCheat, BattlEye e Xigncode3) usano già driver kernel per proteggere i vostri giochi AAA preferiti. Noi ci limiteremo a inserire nella cucina di Windows il nostro sous-chef, così sapremo che chi...
Another Redditor reports earning an average of$17 and $19 per hourand claims that pings for new deliveries are consistent throughout his shifts so he never needs to worry about minimum contributions from the company. One driver says he has had quite a few lunch shifts where he’s averaged$...