i ugraded my pc with windows10. now i download and installed wwe12 pc game .but ,when i run the game.it comes like this ” could not find any displaymode.please install video-card driver.otherwise check your video-card”.please give me solution. Reply Ankitsays June 19, 2016 at 6:0...
Windows 8.1 i5 3317U. First, i tried the self installing format but it said that the driver is not validated for my computer. So, i tried the zip file and installed it manually but it said that my driver is already up to date (it's 3308). Can you help me with up...
ASUS P8H77-M PRO with Intel® Core™ i5-3570K Windows 8.1 Pro with Mediacenter 64 Bit 1920x1080 @ 50 Hz Running Microsoft Windows Mediacenter. Watching live-TV / SD-TV with PAL there are horizontal red short stripes dancing accross the screen. When disabling ...
thank you My setup: Toshiba l630 core i5 2nd gen 2.53ghz 4gb ram Pe4c 3.0 mpcie gtx 960 generic psu 600w driver installed dsdt override done win7 64bit ultimate March 16, 2016 1 reply toshiba l630 (and 2 more) 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2...
Intel Core i5 650 Driver Install the driver automatically Download driver Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500 Driver Install the driver automatically Download driver Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500 Driver Install the driver automatically Download driver Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500 Driver Install...
periodically like a clock, and when a pushed my card a little further, like on specific things on Shadow Warrior 2 or Monster Hunter or by stress testing it on FurMark, the screen would just go black, with no video signal coming from de GPU, and I had to pull the chord to turn of...
Instead, I have to run 17.10 drivers. Here is a video to show what happens: AMD stuttering - YouTube Specs: MSI Z170-A motherboard Intel i5-6600K Powercolor Radeon RX 480 8GB 650W PSU 16GB RAM0 Likes Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 5 Replies taurea Elite ...
Automatic driver update– If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update your video and monitor drivers manually, you can, instead, do it automatically withDriver Easy. Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers for your exact graphics ...
大概配置是 i5 7500,gtx1050ti,DDR4 8Gx2,华硕... 分享5赞 图拉丁吧 winmmmb 大佬们求助一个蓝屏问题,每次唤醒屏幕重启电脑就会蓝屏蓝屏代码IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL,这个代码是个通用的,没什么用。使用微软的WinDbg查看崩溃的dump文件,写着可能引起是ntoskrnl.exe。重装过系统没用,怀疑是核显驱动问题,但是我不...