I am not using any other bluetooth gadgets, only mouse and audio.2. I went to device manager, found out that Intel Wifi 6 module is disconnected. I uninstalled the drivers, that's all.3. I unplugged my laptop (not sure necessary)4. I manually shutdown via the windows tab. I let ...
MX3520E8包含内部功率MOSFET,高精度电压 检测电路和延迟电路。MX3520E8具有电池应用所需的所有保护功能,包括过充电、过放电、过流和负载短路保护等。 准确的过充电检测电压保证了充电的安全和充分利用。低待机电流在存储时从电池中消耗很少的电流。该产品不仅 适用于数字蜂窝电话,而且适用任何其他需要长期电池寿命的锂离...