Machine 1: Windows 10 pro, has the USB Brother HL-5040 printer Machine 2: Windows 10 pro, prints OK to the remote printer. Machine 3: Windows 10 home, Used to print, but not anymore (THIS IS THE PROBLEM). I’ve tried everything that I can think of, and would appreciate any sugges...
in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware USB printing support is an older USB device and might not work with USB 3.0: I get this message when trying to use a Brother HL-5040 printer with my new Dell 3470 PC. The printer has worked for some days, then stops working with no known reason th...
Verify that both IP addresses of your PC and the Brother machine are correct and located in the same segmentation following the instructions below: A: How to check the IP address of your PC (Windows 11) ClickStart, (All apps,)Windows Toolsthen launchCommand Prompt. ...
Windows Vista (x64) Windows XP (x64) Windows XP (x64) 安装信息:设备类型: Printer GUID: {4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 安装文件:\cnp50ua64.inf 下载驱动包 提示:有些硬件设备比较特殊,如果你发现重新安装驱动包还不行,或者安装过程中发生中断,建议先将旧的驱动包卸载干净,然后再安装新...
No printer driver found for Brother HL-5040: I Just moved from an old PC to a new PC. I did NOT migrate. I am setting the new system fresh. The printer was working on the old PC which was running Windows 10 NOT Pro, using the same USB cable. Brother Printer HL-5040 now connected...