For devices released before January 1, 2021:Surface devices will receive driver and firmware updates for at least four years from when the device was first released. In cases where the servicing duration is longer than four years, an updated end-of-servicing date will be published before the ...
If you're looking for help to install Surface updates or firmware on a home device, see Download drivers and firmware for Surface.While enterprise-grade software distribution solutions continue to evolve, the business rationale for centrally managing updates remains the same: Maintain the security of...
管理Configuration Manager 中的 Surface 驱动程序更新 管理UEFI(固件) Surface 扩展坞 远程唤醒设备 最佳做法 Arm 设备 疑难解答 适用于 Surface 设备的卓越支持解决方案 最终用户帮助信息 联系Surface 商业支持 & 教育版 Surface 硬件环境测试结果 商业保修和保护 ...
For devices released on and after January 1, 2021:Surface devices receive driver and firmware updates for at least six years from when the device was first released. If the servicing period exceeds six years, an updated end-of-servicing date will be announced before the date of last servicing...
Opdater automatisk Windows 10, Windows 11 og Surface-drivere og firmware (Anbefalet) Opdater Surface-drivere og -firmware (Avanceret) manuelt Du kan finde links til drivere, når du har valgt din Surface-model, på rullelisten i dette afsnit. Bemærk!: Hvis du for...
Surface PR..SurfacePro3 firmware and driver update package, released in 23 June 2015. 中英文通用。先点击 Surface software
I collegamenti per i driver sono disponibili dopo la scelta del modello di Surface nell'elenco a discesa in questa sezione. Nota:Se preferisci visualizzare i collegamenti per i driver in formato tabella, puoi trovarli inGestire e distribuire gli aggiornamenti di driver e fir...
I have also tried to download touch screen drivers from the Microsoft Catalogue and even The Surface Laptop 2 Drivers and Firmware on the Microsoft website but to absolutely nothing solving my issue. Is there any way to download the HID Compliant Touch Screen Driver separate...
Scroll down to the Help list, then clickInstall and update>Download drivers and firmware for Surface. Select your model from the list of Surface products and follow the on-screen instructions to download the files that you need for driver updates. ...
Here you go: Scroll down to the pull-down menu and select your model. You will be offered a package with all drivers. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Community...