ACS COMPRO Supported Operating Systems Windows 7, Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000 File Name (2.8 MB)Versions (28-Jul-2009)Additional Notes PC-Linked Smart Card Readers USB Interface MSI Installer for PC/SC Driver Fil...
ACS COMPRO Supported Operating Systems Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 2008 (64 bit), Windows Vista (64 bit), Windows 2003 (64 bit), Windows XP (64 bit) File Name MB) Versions (28-Jul-2009) ...
VID PID Reader Reader Name --- --- --- --- 072F B301 ACR32-A1 ACS ACR32 ICC Reader 072F B304 ACR3201-A1 ACS ACR3201 ICC Reader 072F B305 ACR3201 ACS ACR3201 ICC Reader 072F 8300 ACR33U-A1 ACS ACR33U-A1 3SAM ICC Reader 072F 8302 ACR33U-A2 ACS ACR33U-A2 3SAM ICC ...
rename ACS ACR 38 in ACR 38U-CCID since the ACR 38 is a different reader and is not CCID compatible allow to select the Power On voltage using Info.plist instead of recompiling the source code correct bugs in the support of multi-slots readers if the card is faster than the reader (TA...
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(dViTnTgIf)roumndtehrefuTonydointag CfroolmlabtohreatTivoyeoStaafeCtyolRlaebsoeraartcihveCSeanfteetry(CRSesReCar).chThCuesn, tNerES(CTScRoCn)s.isTtshuofs,eNpoEcShT-bcaosnesdisdtsatoaf, wepitohch2-3b6aSseCdEdeaptoac, hwsitahn2d3f6oSuCr Ebaespeolicnhesdarnidvifnoguerpboacshelsinfoerderaivci...
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The VFB of the RTE layer providesTthe ARTUETlOaySeArRsecrovmesmaus naicmaitdiodnlemweacrehafonrismmafnoargtihneg ccloiemnmt-suenrivcaetrioandbestewnedeenr-trheeceAivSeWr inlatyeerrfaces andapnrdovthide eBsSWcomlaymerunofictahteiosnamserEvCicUe. tTohtehReTSEWpCro.vTidhees VthFeBsaims ae ...