Drip dispersal drainfieldGravel trench drainfieldCoupled nitrification-denitrificationAppropriate drainfield design in septic systems can be an effective tool to optimize nitrogen (N) removal and protect public and environmental health. Our objective was to investigate how the conventional drainfield designs...
Alongwith the growing use oflakeshore cabins and the conversion of cabins into year-round homes,many have the potential to degrade surface and groundwater resources as they depend primarilyon individual sewage treatment systems (ISTSs) for the treatment and dispersal of domesticwastewater. ...
systems and methods for the slow, uniform addition of a disinfectant solution comprising an active ingredient, such as chlorine, by means of a drip device to achieve a substantially constant level of active disinfectant ingredient flow into grey water of an aerobic septic system prior to dispersal...
PreDoC is a distributor of drip dispersal septic systems in Pennsylvania. We also provide septic services to residential, commercial, and municipal clients.
Secondary-treated wastewater effluent from the septic tank and the air/methane gas drawn from above the septic tank can be alternately pumped downstream to a drain field containing a time-dosed dispersal system comprising drip irrigation emitters in downstream driplines. Alternatively, the air/methane...
Secondary-treated wastewater effluent from the septic tank and the air/methane gas drawn from above the septic tank can be alternately pumped downstream to a drain field containing a time-dosed dispersal system comprising drip irrigation emitters in downstream driplines. Alternatively, the air/methane...