The mod doesnot contain a new mash! So you either have to own at least one of the two packs (EP09 Eco LivingorEP14 Horse Ranch) for bottled drinks from the game. If you don't have any of it, you won't be able to buy drinks! Translations The mod does not use its own string a...
1、将Mods文件复制到:我的文档\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\文件夹里 2、将Tray文件复制到:我的文档\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\文件夹里 3、运行游戏即可 文件说明 Mod截图 相关作品 银魂- 土方十四|饥荒:联机版 超快速的鼠娘人物MOD|同伴们-不要做一个喝牛奶的人|求生之路2 死亡地带MOD|上古卷轴5:天际...
CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcraft II Kerbal Space Program Minecraft Dungeons World of Tanks Create Start a project Project submission guide Author ...
{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:the-sims-4-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"the-sims-4-en","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"The Sims 4","shortTitle":"The Sims 4","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:the-sims-en"},"categoryPolicies":{"__typename"...
Welcome to the Sims Section of AHQ Common Game Fixing Mods - Hero Approved Reporting bugs ? Please read these first for already reported issues: Compiled list of reported Issues Been asked for a save ? Here's instructions: How to provide your save game (Post #7) Reply 1 + XP #4 ...
It seems when I do get back to fizzing, I will have to make my sims drink their Suspicious Fizzes, since it sounds like they do various things.@scoed Do you use MCCC? If so, could you find out if carrot and strawberry concoctions change the gender of the baby? I know eating 5 or...
The P.S.O. series mods that already require the P.S.O. Shared Library: SimSim Online Store Sim-Nom-Nom Food Delivery Purchase Medicine Purchase Bottled Drinks Better Live Shopping Other mods in the P.S.O. series that do not require the shared library: ...
CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcraft II Kerbal Space Program Minecraft Dungeons World of Tanks Create Start a project Project submission guide Author ...
Product: The Sims 4Platform:PCWhich language are you playing the game in? DeutschHow often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)What is your current game... - 11393410
I have all packs and kits except for Goth Galore and Castle Estate. I have never used any mods or cc. I have made sure the game has the latest update. My venue definitely has a bar and I've playtested it with my active sims, with a mixologist hired by my active sim, with ...