2017 who guidelines for drinking water quality TheWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)publishedthe"FourthEditionoftheGuidelinesforDrinking-waterQuality"in2017.Theseguidelinesproviderecommendationsandstandardsforthequalityandsafetyofdrinkingwater.Themaincontentsoftheguidelinesinclude:1.Waterqualityparameters:Theguidelinesspecifythe...
2011_WHO_Guidelines for drinking water quality外文学习材料.pdf,Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality FOURTH EDITION WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data th Guidelines for drinking-water quality - 4 ed. 1.Potable water - standards. 2.Water - standa
GuidelinesforDrinking-waterQuality(世界卫生 组织饮用水质量指导标准第四版) Guidelinesfor Drinking-waterQuality FOURTHEDITIONWHOLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData Guidelinesfordrinking-waterquality-4th ed 1Potablewater-standards2Water-standards3Waterquality- standards 4GuidelinesIWorldHealthOrganization ISBN978924154...
Kello, D. (1989). WHO drinking water quality guidelines for selected herbicides. Food Addit. Contam. 6, 579-585.Kello,D.WHO drinking water quality guidelines for selected herbicides. Food Additives and Contaminants . 1989D. Kello, WHO drinking water quality guidelines for selected herbicides, ...
This fourth edition of the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality builds on over 50 years of guidance by WHO on drinking-water quality, which has formed an authoritative basis for the setting of national regulations and standards for water safety in support of public hea...
摘要: This book is volume II of the series of books by WHO on Guidelines for drinking-water quality, giving information on the revised international standards for drinking water.关键词: Drinking water 出版时间: 1987/05/01 ISBN: 9241546387 (v. 1) 被引量: 2 ...
Standards for Drinking Water Quality 1. Scope The sanitary requirements of the drinking water and its source, centralized water supply unit, secondary water supply and health security products related to drinking water as well as water quality monitoring and testing methods. ...
Following the successful introduction of its Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality in 1984, the WHO Regional Office for Europe was approached by the Government of Italy to develop, as a matter of urgency, recommendations for guidelines levels of certain herbicides found in drinking water supplies. Re...
Water Quality Standards Drinkingwater quality criteriaare also suggested in international guidelines produced by WHO which are adapted for regional application in, for example, North America and Europe. These contain numerical standards for a wide range of chemical, esthetic, and microbiological parameters...
GB 5749-2022 English Version - GB 5749-2022 Standards for drinking water quality (English Version): GB 5749-2022, GB/T 5749-2022, GBT 5749-2022, GB5749-2022, GB 5749, GB5749, GB/T5749-2022, GB/T 5749, GB/T5749, GBT5749-2022, GBT 5749, GBT5749