Incofin IM, along with its partner Danone Communities, has been monitoring a number of water businesses around the world to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on their operations.
GROUNDWATERPOLLUTIONThe 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has not only resulted in immense loss of human life, but it also rampaged across the global economy and socio-cultural structure. Worldwide, countries imposed stringent mass quarantine and lockdowns to curb the transmission of the pathogen. While the...
View of drinking fountains closed for public safety during... Water Fountains with a Mask Covid-19 Signage - New York Two beautiful business woman talking and drinking coffee on a break Young woman washing hands in a fountain Closed water fountain Entertainment & Tourism Industries In New York ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the critical importance of sanitation, hygiene and adequate access to clean water for preventing and containing diseases [4]. Ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for all is an important component of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals ...
Getting purified water, great-tasting water delivered to your office provides your workplace with a refreshing way to stay hydrated and productive throughout the workday and during COVID 19 Pandemic. With regular water testing from the Department of Health (DOH) Accredited Water Testing Laboratory ...
Photo Credit: drinking during quarantine, by Carrie Borzillo Being confined to our homes due to the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic has led to suchmental healthissues as anxiety and depression, as well as feelings of isolation and boredom for many people around the world, which has caused a spik...
K There was no difference between males and females on average H2O consumption during the first 2 h/day of water access. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 in 2xRM-ANOVA main effects and interactions of sex and DID cycle, as well as post hoc...
Social distancing policies (SDPs) implemented throughout the United States in response to COVID-19 have led to spatial and temporal shifts in drinking water demand and, for water utilities, created sociotechnical challenges. During this unique period, many water utilities have been forced to operate...
Zooming in where only a microscope can see, Northeastern researchers are trying to determine how thelifestyle changescaused by COVID-19 might be helping harmful bacteria grow in our drinkingwater. Many buildings have been largely unoccupied for months, and theirwater supplieshave been sitting relativ...
Meanwhile, the CAS not only puts drinking water safety as the core objective of the research but also regards training water professionals as its duty. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Wei guided his students in Sri Lanka to conduct field research and data collection in that coun...