and spend their money, all for a little base, black, thick, nasty, bitter, stinking nauseous puddle water. - The Women's Petition Against Coffee, 1674 Moderately drunk, coffee removes vapours from the brain, occasioned by fumes of wine, or other strong liquors; eases pains in the head, p...
Fortunately, Dave was sympathetic and didn’t tell me I was stupid; he just told me Ari would be fine. I knew the kitties would be fine because our friends Dan and Em took care of them while we were gone. And thus we started our journey by car. I abhor car rides: I get nauseous...
To cure a hangover, certified wine consultant Murphy Perng recommends “drinking plenty of water to help your body flash out waste and reset…and avoiding drinks that can make you feel dehydrated, like coffee.” Tips from our Readers Never ever force a drink down. If you feel like your ...