By Caitlin Peterkin
“It was an age that considered alcohol safer than water… Water had a bad reputation in seventeenth-century Europe, where much of it was polluted, and many colonists expected a similar situation in America. There was genuine surprise upon finding the stuff potable.” Also, liquor kept well ...
Illinois Biological Monographs, vol. 24, No. 2. Urbana: University of Illinois Press; 1955. p. 1–127. Book Google Scholar Fitch T. Production of vocalizations in mammals. In: Brown K, editor. Encyclopedia of language and linguistics. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier; 2006. p. 115–21. ...
In general, the most robust predictors of negative events are gender, alcohol use frequency, age of alcohol use onset, and increasing drinking due to happy hours/bar specials. While it was linked to various negative and illegal behaviors, altered happy hour drinking was not associated with an ...
1). In the remainder of IA and IL, eastern WI, and most of northern MO, the aquifer system is confined by the Ordovician Maquoketa Shale and rocks of progressively younger age – an area referred to herein as being regionally confined (Fig. 1). Rocks of the aquifer system dip and ...
In general, the most robust predictors of negative events are gender, alcohol use frequency, age of alcohol use onset, and increasing drinking due to happy hours/bar specials. While it was linked to various negative and illegal behaviors, altered happy hour drinking was not associated with an ...
The vector X includes county-level controls for economic conditions (income per capita and the unemployment rate), population density, demographics (percent of the county population that was nonwhite, adult male, and 21 years of age and older), the ratio of Democratic to GOP votes in ...
And as for the statistical validity of the tasting… Well, Francophiles kept trying to redo the tasting in the hopes of getting different results. Arguing that French wines age better than American wines, some wine critics repeated the tasting two years later, in 1978, holding the tasting in...
Radium, radon, and uranium isotopes in ground water from Cambrian–Ordovician sandstone aquifers in Illinois. In: Graves, B. (Ed.), Radon in Ground Water – Hydrogeologic Impact and Indoor Air Contamination. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI, pp. 403–422. Google Scholar Grundl and Cape,...
The age of license was raised to 21 on Dec. 20, 2019. Robin Mermelstein, professor of psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago, explained, “I think that you would be able to see lots of improvements in reduction of tobacco use among teens, all of which is good because the ...