爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的不要酒后驾车运动.MP4(Dont drink and drive campaign.mp4), 本站编号40041988, 该创意片库素材大小为12m, 时长为40秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为captain k man, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。
Drink-drive campaign proves a mixed successFiona Stewart
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不要酒后驾车运动.MP4(Dont drink and drive campaign.mp4) Uber不要酒后驾车主动U Turn-Dir Vibhu Puri(UBER Dont Drink And Drive Initiative U Turn - Dir Vibhu Puri) 索尼&两个世界&Quot最终声音设计& 蒙齐混合& Raja Sehgal,采用莱姆工作室的附加音响设计_L.一(Sony "Two Worlds" Final sound design...
Tags creativecampaigncreativedesigndesignforgooddrinkanddriveawarenessfigma designinteractiveposterposterdesignpublicawarenessroadsafetysafetyfirstui designui ux design Share For Figma Last updated 1 month ago Support: abhaysahgal1998@gmail.com Licensed under CC BY 4.0Report resource ...
1) Anti-Drink Driving Campaign 反酒后驾驶运动2) drunk driving 酒后驾驶 1. With the development of transport industry and the increasing of cars, vehicle brings not only comfort and convenience for humanity, but also high frequency of traffic accidents and other safety problems, such as drunk ...
When they are here you will not overspeed, you will not talk, you will not drink. THEY are your children, HERE is right when you drive. Because when you drive with your children, you drive safely. A special awareness campaign done by Driverzz to promote
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基本信息 广告品牌:Road Cross 发布日期:2003-03 行业领域:NGO,公共事业 媒体类别:图文,海报/平面,活动 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:Jwt+H+F,Zurich,Switzerland 创意总监: Remy Fabrikant ...
B.CPDdrink-driving campaignN→campañafcontra elalcoholencarretera drink-driving offenceN→delitomdeconducirenestadodeembriaguez drink-drivingoffencesmust be severely dealt with→conducirenestadodeembriaguezdebe serseveramentecastigado he was guilty of several drink-driving offences→le habíandetenidovarias...