Read the full-text online article and more details about "As I Started Drifting in and out of Consciousness I Knew That I Was Dying. WOMAN TELLS HOW SURGEONS PIECED TOGETHER HER STOMACH 'LIKE A JIGSAW'" - Coventry Evening Telegraph (England), July 4, 201
78 、Denis might drift in and out to refill glasses.───丹尼斯进进出出,把喝完的酒杯再倒上酒。 79 、You tossed and turned, but you couldn't drift off.───你辗转反侧,却久久不能进入梦乡。 80 、I'll catch you if you would fall so you drift.───假若有天你觉得厌倦了,我会张开...
The Indian Ocean has seen a rise in technologically advanced drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs), significantly increasing tropical tuna catches. These devices, equipped with GPS buoys and echo sounders, enhance fishing efficiency but also lead to increased juvenile tuna and bycatch species catche...
Sometimes when he talks, Qian appears to enter a different space from the here and now, before lapsing into a stream-of-consciousness: "Poets are lonely people, unique. I think only lonely people can fight with wolves. Poets are wolves in the wasteland, howling with despair. They compose ...
Nobody but consciousness is here Don't change your tune to fit my Or your words to fit my Or your world to fit mine never change Now my neon heart is flickering My eyes are playing tricks on me Weeping at red light in the rain My soul is out of battery My words are out of flatt...
of that higher state of consciousness where all that I’m aware of is your love So please don’t think I’m silent or incredibly shy when it comes to you you are my sun and I’m your planet no words need to be said to show that, by your light ...
Anna: Dissociative identity disorder is a serious condition that affects a person’s memory, consciousness, perception and identity. It is typically triggered by severe stressors or traumatic events. John: I should visit a doctor in person. ...
As she lapsed into semi-consciousness, she can recall someone pushing the panic button. 'Appar-ently I was sheet-white and haemorrhaging badly,' she says. Gabby was rushed into the nearby operating theatre, where surgeons battled for nearly three hours to save her life. For a while, it...