s show we were back in the wonderful vaulted concrete chasm of a space that hosted that lacroix moment, and which will be van noten’s show home for a while to come. as advertised it was hot, hot, hot. van noten said he’d been inspired by the heft and lift of the shoes in ...
Born in 1958, Deras Vannorton (Dries Van Noten) from Antwerp, Belgium, came from a family of tailors from generation to generation. I believe that inspiration comes from constant innovation. His style is in contrast, simple and complex, combined with all kinds of techniques like mixing differen...
Dries Van Noten likes to combine all kinds of materials, fabrics and patterns, and then create patterns and materials that belong to Dries Van Noten's personal style. In addition to the outstanding women's clothing, Dries Van Noten's men's clothing also has its own style, adding the leisur...
@张凌赫z 身着@DriesVanNotenOfficial FW24 LOOK14 Sweater&shoes & @AMIRI官方微博 FW24 LOOK1 Crystal Shirt and MA TASSLE LEOPARD JUMBO LOAFER featured in @ELLEMEN August Issue Cover Story 摄影 @任海...
比利时品牌Dries Van Noten诞生于1958年,始终坚持用新颖风格诠释纯朴的女性美。怀旧、民俗、色彩与层次感是Dries Van Noten所专注的因素;细碎的印花和细节设计是他设计的着眼点,民族风格的花卉图案更是他钟情的手法。在单纯与繁复的强烈的对比之中,更擅于运用各种技巧来结合不同的材质、布料和图案,混合之后的效果正是...
DRIES VAN NOTEN 比利时品牌Dries Van Noten诞生于1958年,始终坚持用新颖风格诠释纯朴的女性美。怀旧、民俗、色彩与层次感是Dries Van Noten所专注的因素;细碎的印花和细节设计是他设计的着眼点,民族风格的花卉图案更是他钟情的手法。在单纯与繁复的强烈的对比之中,更擅于运用各种技巧来结合不同的材质、布料和图案,混...
tops.↓↓@driesvannotenpants.↓↓@openingceremonyshoes.↓↓@togaarchivesearring.↓↓@alexandermcqueen... 1回复3 南京香鸢法语吧 杨柳青2458 时装与花的恋爱而Dries Van Noten则将郁金香及其他各式各样的鲜花图案印染在黑色面料上,加上秀场的灯光布置,让现场的模特看起来,似乎是从文艺复兴时期的油画里穿越而来...
At Celine it was all about the sparkling embellishments on leather jackets, extralong blouses, fringed shirts with the namesake rock attitude — all of which are proving men “want to be seen.” Shoes are still chunky, ranging from flip-flops to rubber slides and boots. Top trends: For ...
Dries Van Noten is old enough to remember Jerry Hall waving the tail of her tiger suit in the video for Bryan Ferry's Let's Stick Together, back in the days when Jerry and Ferry were rock's most woosome twosome. The glamorous spirit of that era animated his new collection, which he ...
Van Noten’s self-owned label, of which he is designer and chief executive, is as independent in spirit as it is in execution. In the rapacious world of fashion, where designers now churn out collections every six weeks, Van Noten delivers only four a year, two for men and two for wom...