O'Mara, Sun Staff Writer
Dreyfus affair [ (dreye-fuhs, dray-fuhs) ] A scandal in France at the end of the nineteenth century involving a Jewish army officer, Alfred Dreyfus. Dreyfus was falsely convicted of betraying French military secrets and was sentenced to life imprisonment. French society was deeply divided over...
More From Britannica France: The Dreyfus Affair The second court-martial of Alfred Dreyfus, illustration from Vanity Fair, Nov. 23, 1899.(more) From 1898 to 1899 the Dreyfusard cause gained in strength. In August 1898 an important document implicating Dreyfus was found to be a forgery. Afte...
France and the Dreyfus Affair 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 迈克尔·伯恩斯(Michael Bums)耶鲁大学博士,曾任教于耶鲁大学与法国高等研究院,美国曼荷莲学院现代欧洲史荣休教授,威尔逊国际学人中心前任院士,现为《法语大西洋百科全书》顾问委员。他出版了数本关于德雷福斯事件的著作,包括《农业社会与法国政治—...
“The division of France into two warring camps,” Dreyfus’s biographer, Maurice Samuels, toldHaaretz, "strongly parallels what we see today." Stay updated with the latest news! Subscribe to The Jerusalem Post Newsletter Subscribe Now And as with the Dreyfus affair, today'santisemitismfeatures ...
At the time only an insignificant fraction of France was anti-Semitic, but this seed of hatred spread throughout France, playing a major role in the division of French politics; as well as being a major reason why the Dreyfus Affair politically divided France in such drastic way. The day ...
Dreyfus affair, political crisis, beginning in 1894 and continuing through 1906, in France during the Third Republic. The controversy centered on the question of the guilt or innocence of army captain Alfred Dreyfus, who had been convicted of treason for
德雷福斯 Dé léi fú sī Dreyfus (name) Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French artillery officer of Alsatian and Jewish background, infamously imprisoned 1894 in miscarriage of justice 德雷福斯案件 Dé léi fú sī àn jiàn Dreyfus affair 1894-1906, notorious political scandal in France case involving...
World Jewry was stunned that such an affair could occur in France, the cradle of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The fact that the public, including nobles and members of the clergy, saw Dreyfus–an assimilated Jew–as an outsider seemed to suggest that assimilation was no longer a defense...
Define Dreyfus. Dreyfus synonyms, Dreyfus pronunciation, Dreyfus translation, English dictionary definition of Dreyfus. Alfred 1859-1935. French army officer of Jewish descent who was convicted of treason , sentenced to life imprisonment, and ultimately