dress blues,dress whites- a dress uniform for formal occasions military uniform- prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers armed forces,armed services,military,military machine,war machine- the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is th...
ook as Admirable]]>Henry Allen
dress whites 军事 [weiße] Paradeuniform professional dress Berufskleidung f <-> kein pl silk dress seidenes Kleid nt muslin dress Musselinkleid nt sheath [dress] Schlauchkleid nt party dress Partykleid nt traditional dress Tracht f <-, -en> formal dress Gesellschaftskleidung f ...
Charlestown Navy Yard puts on its dress whites ; Visitor center, museum redone CHARLESTOWNMichael Kenney
In fact, a professional's wardrobe can still benefit from some of the best color combinations for men (it keeps regular workwear from looking uniform), but the colors shouldn't be the focus of the outfit. Casual clothing doesn't need to stick to the blues and grays of business wear. ...
1 Navy and Yellow Who says navy and yellow do not blend in together? Basically, people don’t usually opt to go for the yellow and black combination— it’s too mainstream. What’s best to combine is the navy and yellow. Navy is a neutral color, closes to black. It would certainly ...
H皮主要有黑色(black),棕色(brown),酒红色(burgundy),原色(natural),蓝色(navy)五种原色可以选择。另外日落黄的British tan皮也是H皮的一种。 平面交响曲 靴皇 12 各色H皮以及British tan皮 平面交响曲 靴皇 12 3,dress皮(dress leather)是sd楦的标准皮革,比油皮更薄,但是强度并不低所以不需要强制内衬。
dress blues,dress whites- a dress uniform for formal occasions military uniform- prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers armed forces,armed services,military,military machine,war machine- the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is th...
The recruiters have found that just wearing the Navy uniform draws people into Navy recruiting offices. "Our uniforms are major recruiting tools," said one Navy official "I get a lot of compliments about how professional I look in my whites and blues. People see ...