Index of Dress Codes from the Dress Code Guide. Find your dress code for social evemts and for work.
You want to dress acceptably for the occasion and seem chic and smart. We’ll provide a few easy tips on what to wear to a charity event. Read along to find out more. Understand the Event’s Theme When choosing what to wear to a charity event, it’s best to first understand the ...
The black-tie wedding dress code is for fancy weddings, most held in the evenings. This is a formal dressing only one step below the white tie dress code. You can get creative if the invite says so. Add more colors and styles to your suit and tie dress code. Rocking a jacket and ti...
日常打扮,清爽舒适。 今天的Chic Dress Code 讲堂已经完满结课啦,参加摩骚party的时候别穿错啦!
Dress code explanations for 'black tie', 'smart casual' and 'cocktail attire' and more. Here's a detailed guide of what to wear to each, and what to avoid.
以上就是常见到的Dress Code,在拿到明确标有”White Tie”、”Black Tie”、”Casual Chic ”的要求时,你按照编辑给你推荐的着装标准穿,准没错啦。希望平时大家不要做一个肤浅的人,但在高级社交场合,还是希望都能”肤浅“一点咯。 本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点...
Dress Code必然榜上有名… 01 这么穿的实习生…一看就是First Day 实习生不要以为看起来“还不错”的成套西装就不会出差错了 你可能会一不小心“成为”了地产销售专员、飞机乘务员、保险推销员…… 或者是肯德基爷爷…… 好在几年前,在efc网站上就有人总结了一套投行实习生dress code,被许多人奉为圣经,从此...
If you’re invited to an event that doesn’t have a dress code it’s up to you to use your judgment to best decide what to wear. Check the type of event, time of day, and location to determine what outfit would best be suited to it. Informal dress codes like smart casual and coc...
常见dress code如下: Casual: Can also be called “informal.” Essentially, this means that anything goes...almost. You should still be tasteful and avoid worn out clothing with holes, tears, and stains if possible. Smart casual: This can also be called “casual dressy” or “dressy casual....
Dress code Human beings have a long history about how to dress properly in different occasions. People have many names to call these clothes, e vening dress, formal or black tie, smart formal, smart chic, business suit and casual dress. A man in the evening dress could wear a bow tie;...