瑞信对员工的着装要求是:“Moody suits,quiet formality-except on the trading floor”,以瑞信CEO Ti...
瑞信对员工的着装要求是:“Moody suits,quiet formality-except on the trading floor”,以瑞信CEO Tidjane Thiam为代表,就是阴郁风的忠实粉丝。 如果一个刚毕业的小白去面试戴着Hermès的领带,或者初级员工穿着Hermès来上班,那他很有可能会不受待见。 金融业是一个等级清晰且非常注重dress code的行业,无论你是否...
Formal Dress Code 正式着装要求: For occasions such as Academic Convocation, opening and closing Sundial, Candlelight Service, Moving Up, Graduation, and other events as directed, more formal attire is required. Examples include a coat and tie with dress pants and shoes, or a skirt or dress of...
Sample Band 9 Answer Around the world, employers typically enforce some kind of dress code on their employees, be it a uniform or merely a code of formality. Some people, however, suggest that employers should not have these sorts of rules because it is more important that their staff work ...
5. Creative Black Tie:A step beyond traditional black tie, creative black tie encourages individual expression. While maintaining the formality of a black-tie event, it allows for unique accessories or unconventional elements in attire. 6. Black Tie Dress Code:Classic and formal, black tie calls...
with dress pants may be substituted. Clothing that represents other cultures that is consistent with the formality of these occasions, and that is worn in an appropriately respectful manner, is also allowed and encouraged. A...
The formality of the workplace dress code is normally determined by the number of interaction employees have with customers at their work location. In modern workplaces that develop products, code software, provide insurance via email and phone, and so forth, the dress code tends to be casual ...
Suits or shorts represent two ends of the formality scale, suits being most formal and shorts being most casual. Here, you can see the extremes of being either too formal (Preston) or too casual (Raphael). Neither of these outfits are appropriate for the business casual dress code. A ...
首先得明确一点,九大投行每一家公司的Dress Code,都有那么些不同: 🌰高盛一直都被称作“白鞋投资银行”,必须穿着正式的商务套装。之前,有高盛内部人士在efinancialcareers上透露: 如果去高盛面试,最好穿深灰色/白色衬衫,女性面试者应该穿高跟鞋、圆领衬衫,并且要留长而整齐的头发。
When dressing for a black tie event, it is important to keep in mind the level of formality. Women should select a formal dress that is appropriate for the event. Men should stick to the classic look of a black tuxedo and black bow tie. Both men and women should avoid wearing too much...