在外国,着装规则具体分类有很多,粗略一搜从随意到正式渐进分为Casual、Dressy Casual or Casual Dressy or Smart Casual、Business Formal、Beach Formal or Garden Attire、Festive or Holiday Attire、Semiformal、Cocktail、Black Tie Optional or Formal Attire、Creative Black Tie、Black Tie和White Tie or Ultra-For...
五、Dressy Casual 男士:比较讲究一点的便装,像西装上衣配休闲裤,衬衣休闲西裤等。 女士:连衣裙,漂亮上衣配裤子,毛衣配裙子等可以自由发挥。 六、Business Casual 比Dressy Casual 再随便一些,但是不能穿牛仔裤。 七、Casual 或Informal 这种说法意味着可以随便穿,但是短裤、凉鞋还是要避免,当然你也不要西装革履的。
优雅便装(Dressy Casual) 优雅便装,恰如你周末休闲别致的出街风格一样,经过精心的打扮,炫耀你的风格。相比于休闲着装,它更着重于风格的表达,些许配饰的点缀,些许设计感的单品,让人感受到你的时尚感与品位。衬衫、A字裙、高跟鞋…并搭配各种配件与珠宝首饰,帽子或太阳镜,成为一个令人舒适的风景线。 商务休闲(Busine...
连衣裙,漂亮上衣配裤子,毛衣配裙子等可以自由发挥。 七、商务便装(Business Casual) 不少并不太而别正式的职场聚会(扩充人脉的party)和一些不错的餐馆都会要求business casual,这比Dressy Casual 再随便一些,但是不能穿牛仔裤。 八、便装(Casual)或非正式(Informal) 这种说法意味着可以随便穿,但是短裤、凉鞋还是要避...
But for every wedding, there are appropriate dress code types. Knowing the right wedding attire for a wedding will save you from getting embarrassed at such functions. Read this post to understand the difference between cocktail dress codes for a wedding dressy casual. Etc. At the end of the...
常见dress code如下: Casual: Can also be called “informal.” Essentially, this means that anything goes...almost. You should still be tasteful and avoid worn out clothing with holes, tears, and stains if possible. Smart casual: This can also be called “casual dressy” or “dressy casual....
This is a dress category that falls under “casual” but is still pretty “dressy.” It’s probably the safest bet to nail the dressy-casual code. These dresses are made from jersey, cotton, lace, and more, and they typically have a summery feel. A jumpsuit. These guys can seem ...
如果你看到casual dressy或者dressy casual,不要怀疑,它们其实就等于smart casual。 这是目前平日职场穿着最常见和时髦的。特别如果你是在新兴产业或者媒体以及时尚圈工作,这个基本就是你的dress code。 对女士来说,黑色长裤外加踝靴,或者略紧身的牛仔裤搭配高跟鞋或者舒适的...
Dressy casual dress code Usually most appropriate for parties, restaurants and more informal events, a dressy casual dress code, also known as casual chic, requires a more dressed up look than your most casual outfit and is a perfect opportunity to showcase your personal taste and style. Althou...
Smart Casual 商务便装 如果你看到casual dressy或者dressy casual,不要怀疑,它们其实就等于smart casual。 这是目前平日职场穿着最常见和时髦的。特别如果你是在新兴产业或者媒体以及时尚圈工作,这个基本就是你的dress code。 对女士来说,黑色长裤外加踝靴,或者略紧身的牛仔裤搭配高跟鞋或者舒适的loafer鞋,亦或者是穿...