‘Every other city in Germany had been bombed and burned ferociously. Dresden had not suffered so much as a cracked windowpane… Steam radiators still whistled cheerily in Dresden. Streetcars clanged. Telephones rang and were answered. Lights went on and off when switches were clicked. There were...
I knew that Dresden was part of East Germany until reunification in 1990, but I think I’d been expecting somewhere a bit smaller and more quaint. Our visit was part of a 4 day trip to explore theCultural Heart of Germany, a driving tour throughThuringiaandSaxony. We certainly packed in ...
International Jewry with its Jewish dollar were fanning the flames of hatred then against Germany and today against Muslims and Russia. Churchill was a war criminal for not wanting peace but the unconditional surrender, i.e. slavery of Germany. Reply W J Anthony (Wilfred J. A. Mische)February...
"Dresden is a very quiet and relaxing city overall and this hotel is just another lovely quiet retreat in the middle of a city that can’t be missed when in Germany." "The breakfast presentation and service is outstanding, the rooms are ultra quiet and comfortable." 2024 NH Collection Dr...
South of Garmisch-Partenkirchen on the Austrian border lies Germany's highest mountain, Zugspitze, rising nearly 10,000 feet and offering gorgeous glacier-top skiing. The towns of Garmisch and Partenkirchen used to be separate, but were merged for the 1936 Winter Olympics. With almost 75 miles ...
with the iconic Frauenkirche, the symbol of Dresden’s rise from ruins. During this walk you will hear about Dresden’s long history from medieval, through renaissance and baroque times, to the dark days of WW2 and it’s journey to modern times. Ask your questions for we love answering ...
You might be thinking that such efforts are futile, but I assure you they are not. Even if absolutely no one checks out the documentary, at the very least we built comradery and increased morale. And if just one or two people watch the film and learn the truth, they very well may sp...