Ladies and gentlemen, on this program I can only give you a bare glimpse of the inhuman horror of the holocaust of Dresden. In Dresden, no fewer than 135,000 innocent victims died, with some estimates as high as 300,000. More died in Dresden than died in the well-known attacks on Hir...
Please share this video around to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the greatest single act of terror during World War II. More people died in the fire bombing of Dresden on February 13th to 14th, 1945 than in the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Holocaust (noun) –“Gr...
Dresden Remembers Its Destruction;Former Adversaries Gather to Mourn Victims of Allied FirebombingRick Atkinson
bombing of Dresden, duringWorld War II,Alliedbombingraids on February 13–15, 1945, that almost completely destroyed the German city ofDresden. The raids became a symbol of the “terror bombing” campaign againstGermany, which was one of the most controversial Allied actions of the war. largest...