Childhood dreams come back to haunt me 童年的梦重又萦绕我心头 Running along the brook, down to the hatchery, what heavenly joy this was when school was over! 放学后,有什么比沿着小溪跑到孵卵处更能给人如在天堂般的快乐! We would play in the hay, the constant tweeting of the hatchlings—a...
you may not be able to come back. So, if you have a dream with a bridge, make sure you want to cross it. Bridges in dreams are often dreams where you have a choice: stay still, go back, or cross.
我们将摇响胜利的钟声 让每一个人看见(胜利的存在)Sometimes in your darkest dreams you will feel the haunting pain 有时在你最黑暗的梦里 你会感觉到挥之不去的强烈的痛 Silent tears of your hidden fears come to haunt you once again 在你隐藏在心底的恐惧里 寂静无声的眼泪又一次纠缠着...
“Perhaps,”…I marvel, “here is the place where the souls of the rightful come, the longed paradise for the believers in a freshness that could not be found in ordinary life, for those who aspired for a beginning without end, for an unending cycle of purity. Maybe they are sitting on...
The Robot Chicken crew takes a peek at what it's like working in the Hall of Doom, the grief Batman goes through whenever he has to ride in one of Green Lantern's power ring bubbles, the origin of Starro, and what happens when the DC villains end up on the same beach as the DC ...
("She had stunted her growth through an eating disorder of her own, but the good kind that made you skinny"). By book's end, Kirke, who wroteWild West Villageat age 33, is onstage enjoying success in a creative field her parents never would have imagined for her--and in which her...
Through the wars we wage till the end of days 天空会燃烧,心会破碎,眼泪会掉下来 因为这些我们的梦想 火会肆虐,希望也会消失 我们发动战争,直到世界末日 In a fortress called America shadows haunt our dreams Poisoning the new life in the new world Our wayward son America betrayed our destiny Threw...
Maybe something is weighing on your subconscious mind that leaves you feeling haunted and tired, as if there's no end to the cycle of hard work or obligations. You may feel like you’re being visited by a ghost because of how unresolved this issue feels to you right now, but also that...
So, we put together this deep dive about dreams. We answer the most frequently asked questions about dreams, which will help you understand why we have them, what your dreams might mean, how to stop bad dreams, how to start controlling your dreams, and more. Read this article in full or...
new things to come into your life.Death dreams are about change.For change to happen, we need to end old attitudes, old ways of being or old beliefs because otherwise these old ways are in the way of the new. How can you develop a new attitude if you are still clinging to the old...