Outside of the generally excellent enactments found in the design, the music from Scott Glasgow is appropriately rich, dramatic, and striking. Furthermore, the effects, particularly the plentiful gory bits, are memorable and impressive. The editing from Wayne Kent and costume design by Joseph Gor...
In All About A Check 2, the gritty narrative continues to follow the intertwined lives of Ava, Diamond, and Trayvon as they navigate the harsh realities of street life. Diamond, newly released from jail, struggles to avoid returning to her old lifestyle in the strip club. Trayvon, having ...
She slips behind the wheel of a plain SUV, a walkie-talkie and her cell thrown between the front seats and a Syrian-silk Louboutin tote on top. She does what the locals do—swerves to avoid crazy men who run across busy freeways, misses her turn, checks your seat belt, points out si...
Turn Ideas into Business Realities In today's high-paced environment, your 'Software' must be built to disrupt, adapt and scale - just like your business is. We turn Ideas into differentiation by putting Innovative custom Digital Solutions and skillsets to realize your vision at scale. ...
Very curiously, if not stubbornly, the film is obsessed with how our modern realities were fantasies of the past. The story is not so much about evolution but perspective; there are no images of iPhones or computers, considering that only two snippets used in the movie date beyond the 1960...
And how does it enhance their experience of the show? Camila> Those who know the story are fans of the fantasy genre, people who yearn for the possibility of discovering other realities. What will fascinate them about our project is that it is an extension of Sandman's powers into ...
Without spoiling the narrative hooks of the episode, Jack Thorne’s (Hulu’s “National Treasure” and “Wonder”) adaptation pushes viewers to think about how they form their own realities. Is ignorance actually bliss? Is it more comforting to live in a world where everything appears to be...