The tent itself is very confining and it is very difficult to contort my hands, arms, and (quite often) the upper half of my body deep into the tent to make small stage adjustments without bumping the camera, tripod, or precariously balanced objects already in the scene. Disasters are rout...
why his parents died, and why he has been tracked and targeted by assassins since joining the secret service. It’s never safe to trust anyone in uncertain times; your closest neighbor or superiors may be your worst enemy… and HJ is ...
3 cycles – two disasters and the one that worked. The last one was the first time I decided not to follow doctor’s orders, incidentally. I had to trust my gut. As a bit of background – First cycle was the works – PGD, max dose meds and NO NORMALS. They told me that I wou...
I Killed The Prom Queen - "Say Goodbye"Storm clouds hanging over head. Offer not the slightest bit of comfort for the first time in days. I wait to discover disasters that I've slept though while I felt so alive. So we say goodbye, so we......