More Glass Animals songs » Glass Animals Fans Also Like: System of a Down Submit Your Interpretation [ want a different song? ]You are: or: Login Register Artist/band name Song name Your interpretation Email me when new interpretations are posted for Dreamland ...
Glass Animals also recently launched the Quarantine Covers series, where they have covered such songs as Nirvana’s “Heart Shaped Box” and Lana Del Rey’s “Young & Beautiful.” Read our review of How to Be a Human Being here. Read our 2016 interview with Glass Animals here. Rea...
After their 2020 album “Dreamland” came out in the midst of the pandemic, many fans of Glass Animals were eager to hear the songs on tour. While many found the album to be likable at best, there was a consensus that these songs were going to come to life and the band’s vision fo...
ThroughoutDreamland, Bayley remains fixated on the carnal escapes that make reality bearable, like sex and drugs, and the fleetingness of those pleasures, which Glass Animals explores with a knowing wisdom. The band’s songs toe the line between dissecting such coping mechanisms and ...
Seamlessly blending Glass Animals trademark sound with American hip-hop, Bayley softly raps “Playing too much of GTA, playing too much of that Dr Dre” as he contemplates whether toxic expectations of masculinity turned a friend who loved Pokemon and capri-sun into an unrecognisable person. The...