There was some kind of voice trying to give me successions on how to sneak past them. I tried but somehow I alerted the guards. But that proved to be a good thing, since they entered the office I was hiding in one by one, meaning I could shoot them as soon as they entered. This...
A Night of Wolves and Death by LolaTheLoner , 02-01-2014 at 05:43 PM (Death's Other Kingdom) 02.01.2014To Be A Wolf (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I am sitting in the floor beside my roommate's bed. We have both performed some sort of ritual to transform ourselves into ...
THE MEANING OF LIFE A chair or a table, a shoe rack, if they stay at one place and don’t move, they may get depressed, they get old and they die. Dust thickening, joints getting loose, like creaking bones in animals. You have to move them in time, let them change places, dustin...