网络梦见家和母亲;送别;梦见家乡与母亲 网络释义
I talk to somebody, possibly my mother or my father. Then, I go down the staircase towards the exit of the house. Meanwhile, something important happens and some also important dialogue or monologue occurs. Back to going down the stairs, the door where one of my neighbors live suddenly ope...
It is time for me to leave the resort and go home (though I have no thoughts about where “home” is). I walk to Bob’s car. Marilyn (half-sister on my mother’s side and Bob’s wife) walks with us. My dream self has no recall that they are both deceased. I get into Bob’...
On the way to death, the soul-guide appears from the other side. Departed loved ones and ancestral beings who are at home in the Dreamtime come calling, in dreams, to prepare a dying person for his or her journey. When the spirit leaves the body in death, these guides from the Dream...
I suddenly woke up to my bedroom; heart pounding rapidly. I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, although at the time I didn’t know I had experienced one of my first lucid dreams, albeit a short one. I got up and walked to my living room to tell my mother what I had dream...
So one of the great things about a home practice…you don’t have to do it at home. I took my practice on the road, sort of speak and went to my neighborhood park to get my downdog on! That’s adho mukha svanasana for those learning sanskrit. View this post on Instagram Empty pa...
Of course I let them know that there is an opportunity here. This may not be for everyone, but I hope that many will see this as a good option. You can be anywhere in the world and consider yourself to be at home, but you do not have a real home until there is a church, the...
These elements are then used for “reality checks”: asking yourself if you’re dreaming when you see these cues during waking hours, and then testing. Testing entails doing something like trying to fly (not recommended) or looking at your environment for clear indications of dream state. The...
In Hōm, a grown up Edmund had a child with the Winter Queen – named Winter, who wanted to learn magic like his absentee mother. In walks the Crooked Wand with his Nightmare Horse friend and yeah, Winter ran away with the circus and yeah, he’s the Crooked Wand’s apprentice now. ...
You see as child I grew up in a house, with 5 older siblings, where my father ruled with an iron fist he however did not beat me, he would rather use mental torture and fear to keep us in line Thankfully we, my mother, brother and sisters, are not with him and have moved on ...