The movie underwent significant reshoots, with the Bourne movies’ Tony Gilroy taking on some writing and possibly directing duties too, all in the name of making this the best movie it could possibly be. This generated a lot of noise about whether the movie was “in trouble”… but look,...
The new music comes during a busy season for Twain, who recently cameoed on Fox’s Monarch (in, bafflingly, a world where she wasn’t country’s best-selling woman) and is appearing as Mrs. Potts in ABC’s live Beauty and the Beast, on top of her recent Netflix documentary Not ...
There is a good selection of movies set in and around Portugal. Some are harder to get your hands on than others, but they are all worth it if you are interested in the storyline. Based on a book, Nigth Train to Lisbon is the story of a Swiss Professor, who abandons his lectures ...