Dream Wheel NJ Attraction Ferris Wheel 位于新泽西州的、全美第二大购物中心的美国梦(American Dream)购物中心里面。 地址:1 American Dream Wy, East Rutherford, NJ 07073 购票和摩天轮入口的地方都在三楼。 票价: 12岁以上是$24.38。 5-12岁是$18.76。 5岁以下免费。 65岁以上有折扣。 停车: 前30分钟免费。
Currently, the Giants pay $5 million a year ground lease to the NJSEA for the new stadium and Timex facility; and $1.3 million towards Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) fees, a total of $6.3 million. In turn, the NJSEA gives the borough $6.3 million in PILOT fees annually for the ...