A plane crash signifies that you feel your life is seriously out of control. If you dream of actually crashing then this dream suggests a failed mission in your life. If you dream of seeing oxygen masks on the plane indicates you may get a surprise in the future. Disturbing dreams, in w...
To add further meaning, note whether you are just boarding the plane, which might indicate the desire for change as opposed to being on the plane as being in the process of change. Note feelings here because they will tell you something about what is going on with you regarding the meaning...
A plane crashing into a tidal wave suggests focus is needed and charity in a situation. A wave that covers vehicles in a dream in dream lore suggests that the lack of transparency and fairness is stressing you out, and you are finding it hard just to sit there and let it pass. What ...
When You’re the Pilot:Who is flying the plane holds meaning in your dream analysis. If you are flying the plane and fear the ability to do so before the crash, this is telling symbolism. It suggests you do not feel confident in being at the helm of your life or on the...
He lands the airplane and started crashing and clipping the cars in the lanes on the ground. The nose of the plane broke off and the pilot pulls up the airplane back up to the sky. I was terrified and remove mysel from the front of the airplane to the middle of the airplane. This ...