"Dream of the Red Chamber," also known as "The Story of the Stone," is a classic Chinese novel written by Cao Xueqin during the Qing Dynasty. It is considered one of China's Four Great Classical Novels. The novel offers a semi-autobiographica...
ForDream of the Red Chamber, as for most works of traditional Chinese literature, the first place to go for a general overview isNienhauser 1986–1998. It also makes sense to readIdema and Haft 1997, or the much older but more detailed presentation of the novel inHsia 1968, or else the ...
philosophical essence of its Chinese source, but the figurative labyrinth created therein transcends Borges's initial equivocations about the translated text. Ultimately, I contend that Borges's 'transreading' ofDream of the Red Chambershapes the crucial themes of dream and doubleness in his later ...
Back when I was a child in the 1980s, there were mostly black and white comic books. Picture books were introduced into China around the 2000s. My childhood reading favorite wasThe Dream of the Red Chamber(红楼梦Hong lou meng), a Chinese novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 in the 18th ...
Explore Cao Xueqin's Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou Meng), also known as The Story of the Stone. Read summary and analysis, examine characters,...
When there is no road in front of you, you should think about turning back." Translation by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang: "Though plenty was left after death, he forgot to hold his hand back; Only at the end of the road does one think of turning on to the right track."...
The Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou meng or The Story of the Stone), composed by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the eighteenth century during the Qing dynasty, is celebrated as the greatest of all classical Chinese novels. However, little effort has been made to explore its...
Dream of the Red Chamber by “曹雪芹 (Cáo Xuěqín) Cao Xueqin” is one of the four great books in Chinese literature. The central theme centers on a tragic love story between the main characters “贾宝玉 (Jiǎ Bǎoyù) Jia Baoyu” and “林黛玉 (Lín Dàiyù) Lin Daiyu.” In Chines...
代表作品有《〈红楼梦〉的原型和寓意》(Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber)、《中国叙事文:批评与理论文汇》(Chinese Narrative: Critical and Theoretical Essays)、《明代小说四大奇书》(The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel)等。
Ever felt that irresistible pull towards a classic, but the language barrier just...stops you? We've all been there. That’s especially true with a masterpiece like Dream of the Red Chamber. It's a book so rich, so layered, so deeply ingrained in Chinese cultur...