Dream Interpretation of Spiders and Tarot Correspondences The Magician: The main character is a Magician who corresponds with the God Hermes. It links the Two of Cups with Hermes’ caduceus and the Magician together. It also portrays the practitioner standing in front of an altar wielding his wan...
Dream Moods is a free online source to help you interpret the meanings to your dreams. Check out our 4000+ word dream dictionary, fascinating discussion forums, and other interesting topics related to dreaming.
SigmundFreud, in his pioneering workThe Interpretation of Dreams(1900, tr. 1913), was one of the first to emphasize dreams as keys to the unconscious. He distinguished the manifest content of dreams—the dream as it is recalled by the individual—from the latent content or the meaning of th...
To this end, ultimately,dream interpretation is a tool that helps us discern who we are, what we desire, where we are going, and how to get there successfully. It allows us to peek through a keyhole in the door of self into another world-a world that reveals the subconscious, provides ...
Dream Central is your dream information. Learn about the sleeping process, includes a dream dictionary and a details on dreaming interpretation!
All this may not be directly related to dreams, but a huge number of functions allow users to describe their dreams in as much detail as possible for further interpretation. Data can be protected with a pincode, password, or fingerprint. That is why there is nothing to worry about while ...
FREE Dream Interpretation Much can be learned from our dreams. Here, we uncover the true meanings of your dreams. Each week, Universal Psychic Guild will interpret a select number of your dreams for free. Falling Child I dream that my youngest child (son) falls off a rocky cliff into the...
Dreaming of a house flooding can be a metaphor for your life. It can be a positive sign of a flood of future prosperity or an indication of bad luck in your future. Dream interpretation is subjective, unscientific, and highly personal. As you can see in just the above paragraph, the sam...
traditionally the ancient dream interpretation for incest means you need to improve your relationship with your parents or family members. What do dreams of having gay sex in a dream mean when you are straight in real life? Although you're not gay in real life, having sex with the same ...
The Sun card is the ultimate summer card in the Tarot deck; number 19 in the Major Arcana. This positive card signifies all kinds of good news, starting with sunny weather in the literal sense, and overseas travel, usually to a hot country. It is our moments in the sun. It is the ...