Josh and Carrie Sutton said they needed to take, breaks from busy work called mini-retirements. ” (萨顿一 家最近完成了整条小径的徒步旅行。他们是一个独特的三人组,因为他们的儿子哈维五岁了,这使他(哈维)成为完成阿巴拉契亚步道的年级最小的人。乔什和卡丽·萨顿说,他们需要从繁忙的工作中休息一下, ...
所以在很多时候,相对于“Dream Big”而言,“Start Small”更加重要,或许现在还没有特别明确的目标,没关系来先动起来,慢慢地就会有着自己的方向了。 这句话也可当作"做事的准则"。对于很多可能看上去有些困难的任务或工作,“Start Small”,先动起来做十分钟,或先完成任务中一个小小的环节再说,慢慢地人就会进入状...
It is here where the wisdom "Dream big, start small" becomes not just a motto, but a roadmap to achievement. Dreaming big is the first step in this journey. It involves envisioning a future that is beyond our current reality, a future filled with possibilities and potential. Big dreams i...
Dream Big, Start Small(志存高远,脚踏实地) 2019届毕业生杨正军同学出国就业经历自述 亲爱的学弟学妹们,你们好!我是2019届机械工程学院机电设备维修与管理专业的毕业生杨正军,目前在新加坡意法半导体公司(STMicroelectronics)工作。在学校毕...
No matter what you want to achieve in life, you need to dream big and start small. You see, we all have something we want to achieve in life. We have dreams
Dream big,strat small英语作文Dream big,strat small英语作文 Everyone may have his own dream.Someone may want to be rich,someone may want to be beautiful,and someone may waant to have power.But I’m different from them.My dream is special.I want to have a pair of wings.Because I want ...
1.“Dream Big”。不妨设一个远大的梦想,正如马云所说,万一实现了呢。不怕大家笑话,我很早的时候就想在技术领域的某个方向做一个创业公司,虽然不知道做什么,也不知道什么时候,但是不妨种一颗种子在心里,说不定哪天发芽了呢。 2. ...
—Robin S. Sharma Featured in:Success Quotes,Robin S. Sharma Quotes,Goal Quotes,Motivational Quotes for Success,Short Inspirational Quotes 320 0 Download 17 Wallpapers “Dream Big. Start small. Act now.” —Robin S. Sharma 101 0 Download ...
short period of time. Now start small. Put your plans about big and wonderful games aside. Think of something really small, like Tetris or Breakout. Make a list of ideas and choose one that you believe would need the smallest amount of time to achieve. This is where you want to start!
Dream big, start small and begin now 1, if everything seems under control then you’re not going fast enough2, all change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end3, nothing works for those who doesn’t do the work4, victims love entertainment, victors adore ...