在此后不到20年的时间里,Domaine Leroy成为世界顶级葡萄酒收藏家最钟爱的藏品,与DRC分庭抗礼。 In her 23 ages, Lalou Bize-Leroy, took over the family business Maison Leroy, and became the co-chief of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, made this winery a world-class legend. But in 1988, Lalou bou...
DRC's offerings (the domaine always releases its wines a year later than the rest ofBurgundy) cover the spectrum from light and clear, to deep and concentrated. At the entry-level – with these wines, of course, "entry-level" is a relative concept: at the bargain end, the Corton is ...
酒王DRC首席酿酒师Noblet将于年底退休 勃艮第酒王,也是世界酒王的罗曼尼•康帝(DRC)的首席酿酒师伯纳德•诺布雷(Bernard Noblet)先生,将于今年年底正式退休。 这一消息,是在DRC酒庄11月9日举行的品鉴会上被公布的。 品鉴会上,酒庄同时宣布,接替诺布雷先生担任新任首席酿酒师的是亚历山大·伯尼尔(Alexandre Bernier)...
DRC Disability Resource Center DRC Direction des Relations avec les Collectivités (French: Directorate of Community Relations) DRC Disability Rights Commission (United Kingdom) DRC Domaine de la Romanée Conti (French winery; Burgundy, France) DRC Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (Ohio, USA...
Peter Michael Winery has plenty of reason to celebrate this New Year: eight wines ranging from the 2009 to 2012 vintage have received scores of 98 or more, with two of its 2010 pinot noirs –Clos du CielandMa Danseuse– awarded a perfect 100. ...
One of the most sought after wines in the world is the small Pinot Noir and Chardonnay Burgundian based winery, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (DRC). These extremely limited production wines often are some of the world’s most expensive. Aubert de Villaine is co-owner of this storied and hi...
In her 23 ages, Lalou Bize-Leroy, took over the family business Maison Leroy, and became the co-chief of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, made this winery a world-class legend. But in 1988, Lalou bought 10 ha of vineyard and started to creat a new legend, Domaine Leroy, and by that ...
布根地名莊巡禮系列來到第六篇,受各方讀者熱烈要求,這次來介紹在台灣酒友間已經紅到不行的「金盃紅酒」:葛羅兄妹酒莊,究竟為何有人會稱它為媲美 DRC 風範的布根地酒莊、他們的釀酒手法有什麼獨特之處,讓我們來見分曉!布根地葛羅(Gros)家族的四大酒莊之首 葛羅家族是布根地夜丘 Vosne Romanée 著名的釀酒...
The harvest was long, lasting almost fifteen days, which is unusual and due to the exceptional quantity of magnificent grapes which, both white and red, arrived in the winery extremely healthy, without any trace of botrytis or any other disease. The few berries that had been burnt or slightly...