ctivitie in the DRC News Release: Human Rights Watch Report on AngloGold Ashanti´s Activitie in the DRCNews Release: Human Rights Watch Report on AngloGold Ashanti´s Activitie in the DRCAngloGold Ashanti
A Swiss metal refiner, Metalor, was one of the companies buying gold from Uganda and HRW charged that it indirectly provided a revenue stream to groups that are carrying out widespread human rights abuses. At about the same time HRW released its report, Metalor announced that it had suspended...
Human Rights Watch Report on AngloGold Ashanti's Activities in the DRC
However, he said a joint government-MONUSCO working group was established to coordinate on various issues such as security, human rights, humanitarian communication and the legal status of the territories that are under the control of the M23 rebels and the RDF. Lacroix said the priority of UN ...
The security, humanitarian and human rights situation has deteriorated in the south of the North Kivu province in eastern DRC, particularly following the resumption of hostilities between the DRC military and the M23 rebel movement in October, and the M23 offensive in Masisi territory in the provi...
Vinywasiki, whose songs often criticised conflict and human rights violations in DRC, was one of hundreds of prisoners who broke out of a prison in Goma during the M23 advance last month. He had been incarcerated for allegedly inciting people to arm themselves and force UN peacekeepers out of...
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 8 June 2001 www1.umn.edu/humanrts/crc/congo2001.html [accessed 30 January 2011] [68] The Committee is deeply concerned by information, including for example in the State party's report, of the trading, trafficking, kidnapping and use for pornograp...
Some of you might have already be aware about very unfortunate turn of events in a number of formerly open-source projects like node-ipc (a part of vue-cli) and a few others. TL;DR some politically motivated hot-shots have decided that it would make them stand for human rights and what...
significantly during 2016 following a conflict over chieftaincy between the central government of Kinshasa and supporters of the traditional leadership system. The UN Human Rights Office suggested that some of the violations and abuses committed in the area may have amounted to crimes under ...
However, although all human rights are equal, the right to education has mostly been subordinated. At the moment of crisis, schools as institution become the venue where conflicting human rights are negotiated. We conclude that in order to ensure educational quality in fragile and crisis contexts,...