Police stations run by Congos national police service in Goma and Bukavu stopped operating after the capture of the cities. Alliance Fleuve Congo (Congo River Alliance), a coalition of militias including M23 that is acting in place of the government in Goma and Bukavu, has promised to build...
MOPO launched its operations in the DRC in Q2 2024 and already operates across six cities. The financing secured from BII’s Climate Innovation Facility is expected to enable it to triple its service capacity in the DRC within the next 12 months. The funding will help the company reach over ...
"We will intensify the monitoring and tracing of the population to all air, sea and road access routes. The other cities in the province as well as the cities upstream and downstream of Mbandaka on the river are also placed under health surveillance," added Orly Ilunga. RISKS FOR THE REGION...
DR Congo is roughly four times the size of France, but lacks basic infrastructure. Even some of its main cities are not linked by road. About two-thirds of the country's 100 million population live below the poverty line, earning $2.15 (£1.70) a day or less. Voters also chose parlia...
Despite abundant resources, Africa still lacks electricity. An increased focus on renewable energy could remedy this paradoxical situation.
mba, a senator and former president of the Pan African Youth Union said: “A candidate running for the highest office needs to be diplomatically [conscious] as Kenya needs to strengthen economic ties in the region [for her growth]. Kenya Airways is now flying in some of our big cities”....
Population: (2025 est.) 109,076,000 Head Of State: President: Félix Tshisekedi Form Of Government: unitary multiparty republic with two legislative houses (Senate [108]; National Assembly [500]) (Show more) Show More Congo is rich in natural resources. It boasts vast deposits of ind...
There is also air transport to other Congolese cities and to Burundi. The region is known for agricultural products (coffee, tea, tobacco, quinine, strawberries), livestock, and tin and gold. More than 100,000 tons of cargo pass through the port annually, and the city is headquarters for ...
Its population is estimated at about 1 million (around 20% of the 5,032,472 inhabitants of the province) [28,31]. It is among the five main cities of DRC. Kisangani have an international airport, is the end of the water navigation road on the Congo river and it is crossed by 4 ...