The intent of this paper is to explain the varied kinds of DRCs (Design Rule Checks) that are encountered in the Physical Design flow. This paper will discuss the Metal DRC violations (7nm Technology) generally seen at the block level and outline the practical approach to fix them. I...
Cellular Image Processing Techniques for VLSI Circuit Layout Validation and Routing Cellular image processing algorithms are then developed that perform (1) design rule checks (DRC's) on VLSI circuit layouts, and (2) Lee-type wire ... TN Mudge,RA Rutenbar,DE Atkins,... - Conference on Desig...
The system offers a web based control panel to submit complete design rule checks over the internet. The user has the option to submit the design rule check locally (on his own computer system) or on a powerful remote server. In case of local run, the system checks with the remote server...