Drawing therapy has also been found to be an effective form of therapy for those dealing with trauma. A study conducted on survivors of domestic violence found that those who underwent drawing therapy experienced increased levels of well-being. The study showed that the participants found it easier...
aThe load dump condition represents any type of short term, high voltage exposure and can be caused by a variety of situations. The commonly cited scenario occurs under the conditions of a faulty battery cable, which makes an intermittent connection with the battery terminal. If the alternator is...
Constitution represents an improvement on its 1961 predecessor is its recognition [...] daccess-ods.un.org 体现新宪法对其 1961 年版本的巨大改进的另一项创新, 是承 认教育为毕生 之事:一方面,目前教育从学前班(幼儿园)起到中学都是义务性的,另一方面, 在国立教育机构中,教育从学前到大学都是免费的...
However, it is the regional level and municipalities that decide to weigh the ‘areas of national interest’ via their regional land-use objectives. Therefore, the instrument represents a low, yet flexible, level of integration. 5. Discussion Mineral resource extraction is a contested land-use ...
“This drawing represents a notion of displacement in contemporary society by illustrating a fictional city that infinitely grows without a ground of belongingness. While the world increasingly connects by technology, our lives and social existence are detaching from fixed places or communities. The pand...
on the wane. Paradoxically, the very peace for which Peace Now and other groups had fought so hard did them barely any good. There are several factors that help explain this phenomenon, the most important of which is the views of the prime minister himself: Rabin mistrusted the peace ...
Englebertargues thateven if modesofstatereasoning arepredatory,theyremain“an intrinsicresource in thelivesofpeoplewhohave to struggle for survival as it representsan anchorin their vol-atileandvulnerable life.”³⁴Lund,in turn,refersto“statetalk”³⁵whenexplainingthattheideaof thestate ...
10 II Environmental Products 2.1 Industrial and Construction Machinery (a) Industrial Engines The industrial engine represents the core business of Yanmar. The Small Engine Operations Division develops, produces and sells industrial diesel engines up to 75 kW, air-cooled gasoline engines of 2-9 kW ...
This represents a unique opportunity for decision-makers, who are now capable of including further considerations in the design process (e.g., socioeconomic characteristics, ethnicity composition, etc.), to tip the balance in favor of designs that embody a broader notion of democratic fairness. ...