We can play drawing hands aggressively, by betting out or even raising instead of checking and calling. This may seem to contradict the strategy of trying to make our hands as cheaply as possible, but it does have some very big advantages, which can lead to us making more money from or ...
I’ve just finished a year as host of the Jazzlondonlive show on Brooklands Radio. It was a real eyeopener, just how much hard work is involved in a weekly two hour radio show. I was really proud of the 53 shows I created and being part of the team at Brooklands. I have since mo...
My brother and I used to play All The King's Men when we were youngsters, and in addition to playing it the normal way – you know, the one described in the rules – we also played a flicking version that consisted of placing the pieces on their starting positions, then taking turns ...
The “whoops, there’s 50+ more drawings”-project has cost me money due to those discounts, and its invoices are only due by 2018/01/01. Since it’s the first time working with this client, I have no idea whether they’ll pay next month or the very last day of December. So that...
I’ve never undertaken anything like this, so I have no way of knowing if this is really feasible for just one guy with a full time day job. I would love to make money as a result of my Maker hobbies. I’ve “made money” from my Maker hobbies before, but never really enough to...
paper money 4 parachute 1 parade 3 paradisaea 3 parallel 1 parasaliling 1 parent 5 parents 3 Paris 16 park 63 park bench 1 parked 5 parking 23 parking house 1 parking lot 7 parking ticket 1 parkplace 1 parrot 3 part 13 part of 1 party 16 passenger 2 ...