Special case: When you draw cupped serifs in a font that is supposed to be optimised for the screen, you even need curve segments without inflections: Make sure Points A and C are on the same height, all the BCPs are horizontal (or between the heights of B and A/C, i.e. they do...
Basically you have a wedge of meat and bone, your hand, pivoting on the junk pile of carpal bones, which are cupped into the ends of your radius and ulna. Your hand doesn’t join your wrist- it pivots on a ball of bones which attaches to your wrist. BJD dolls provide a fabulousrefe...
4.He paced about with his head bent forward and his hands alternately claspedbehind him or cupped prayerfully in front of him.他走起路来头向前倾,两只手不是倒背,就是象祷告似的合放在胸前。5.His dark head bent over her.他对她低下他那黑发的头。