Remembering my beloved mom on this day, the first anniversary of her passing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reached for my phone to ask her advice, get her take on the latest political news, fill her in on some interesting tidbit or send a photo of a doe with her fawns...
These two books are the most open-ended with a collection of offbeat and clever drawing prompts, leaving every page blank except for the words: a rolling pin, a robot, a pickle, a water tower, a hammock, a wasp, a safety pin, a kiss. It’s more like a blank journal giving you id...
Drawing prompts are a great way toencourage reluctant drawers. They give a starting point to spark the imagination, but still allow for lots of free thinking and creativity. There is no right or wrong ways to draw with these prompts. If your child wants to draw a herd of purple elephants ...
to pickle rods to remove scale or rust therefrom, to wash the rods in water and then to immerse them in a lime solution so as tc obtain a coating of the latter, after which the rods are sent to an oven or baker so as to drive off the moisture and to leave a dry lime deposit th...