Arhombushas two lines of symmetry along the diagonals of therhombus. This is because a rhombus has four equal sides but of varyingangles. This allows a rhombus to have two lines of symmetry, one in a horizontal manner while the other in a vertical manner, which makes it an order of two...
32 of 59 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments Plus Plan Symmetry Drawing Worksheet Pack Teach your students about symmetry using this series of drawing worksheets where they must copy an image symmetrically using grid lines for reference. PDF Slide Grade s 4 - 5 Free Plan Roll ...
Gap between the lines Lightness / darkness of the line Thickness of the lineThere are many line techniques can be used to create tone, as illustrated in the worksheet below. Common techniques include:Small dashes Hatching (long, parallel lines on an angle) Cross-hatching (parallel lines at ...