Storage Drawers is a mod that adds a little more variety to your drawers. In real life, you probably have drawers in your home designed for one specific item only. So why in the Minecraft world do you have only one treasure chest to put anything? Now you don’t have to. With this ...
[1.12.2]Compact Drawers Mod Compact Drawers模组是一款非常简单轻量级的模组,这款模组是储物抽屉模组(Storage Drawers)的附属模组,这款模组主要是对储物抽屉模组的扩展,灵感来自压缩抽屉,所以模组中主要添加的就是压缩抽屉。世界侠着重提醒您,该模组需要添加前置,否则将不能启动。 模组主要添加了三个新的储物抽屉 ...
Compact Drawers Mod Compact Drawers模组是一款非常简单轻量级的模组,这款模组是储物抽屉模组(Storage Drawers)的附属模组,这款模组主要是对储物抽屉模组的扩展,灵感来自压缩抽屉,所以模组中主要添加的就是压缩抽屉。世界侠着重提醒您,该模组需要添加前置,否则将不能启动。 Compact Drawers Mod 模组主要添加了三个新的...
A mod inspired by storage drawers that aims to allow for easy creation of powerful yet not overpowered storage systems using simple components. Features In-game Guide Book Crafted by combining a book with and upgrade frame, the guide book will explain in more detail how the mod works.Patchouli...
Download Storage Drawers (StorageDrawers-1.18.2-10.2.1.jar release) for Minecraft version 1.18.2? Download link will appear in 5 seconds Download Close Download Earlier Versions Earlier Versions Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads StorageDrawers-1.18.2-10.2.1.jar release 564.51 KB May 28,...
添加此模组后,其他模组的木头也可以被用于制作不同种类抽屉的附属模组。主要的支持的模组有[BOP] 超多生物群系(Biomes O' Plenty)、[FR] 林业(Biomes O' Plenty) 和 自然(Natura)。 STAFF: 企划:麦块晓天 文案:麦块晓天 dirttom 文案协力:zhangxiaokeng * 部分内容取自MC百科(
这个mod不像之前的原版箱子,所有的操作通过点击完成(类似于Jabba) 1.右键单击——将手上的所有物品放入抽屉中 2.右键双击——将背包中所有与手上相同的东西放入抽屉中 3.左键单击——从抽屉中取出一个物品 4.Shift+左键单击——从抽屉中取出完整得一组物品 ...
This simple retexture modernizes the textures in the Storage Drawers mod to be up-to-par with the new Jappa 1.14+ look. Supported Versions 1.20.1 1.19 1.18 1.16 1.12 Mod Retextures:CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and ...
存储抽屉Mod是一款视觉更直观的储物系统,存储容量可变。他们的存储能力从可以从每抽屉4组升级到每抽屉32组,升级无需破坏或者清空储物空间先!直接无缝升级! 简单右键点击物品,该物品就会出现在你面前。这绝对是一个快速便捷的储存系统,方便你更条理化的存放你的物品。你可以移动单个物品,也可以按下shift+点击来进行整...
储液抽屉 Fluid Drawers Mod由作者“phantamanta44”所制作。 Fluid Drawers可以说是目前最为热门的集控储物模组了。它为玩家提供了一种非常简便地实现对物品进行统一管理、统一控制、统一调配的方式。 然而,随着科技模组工艺流程的日益丰富,流体在合成流程中的地位也逐渐拔高。不知你可曾想过:要是流体也能被统一管理...