在现代应用中,导航是关键元素,特别是使用侧边栏(Drawer Menu)切换不同页面的场景。通过 Jetpack Compose,安卓开发已经从传统的 XML 布局转向了声明式 UI 方式,简化了很多工作。这个Demo演示利用 Jetpack Compose 和 Material 3 实现一个带有 Drawer 菜单的应用,帮助用户理解工作机制,通过此应用进行页面切换。 二、项目...
DebugDrawer for and made by Jetpack Compose alorma android compose debug-drawer drawer material-menu 2.5k Stars 506 Forks Watchers Animations for Android L drawer, back, dismiss and check icons balysv android animation drawer icon-states AKSwiftSlideMenu ...
Navigation Drawer using Jetpack Compose. Jetpack Compose is the latest most innovative Android toolkit by Google to build the native Android UI.If you haven’t had the chance to try it yet, this is the perfect moment to begin using it since it’s still in beta (as as of April 20, 2021...
屏幕分辨率为:screen.width screen.height 屏幕可用大小:screen.availWidth screen.availHeight 网页...
Collapse Navigation BottomBar while scrolling on Jetpack Compose I'm looking forward to a way to implement a Collapsing effect while scrolling on LazyColumn list. I have been checking the docs but I didn't found nothing related. How can I implement it? At the momen... ...
Now, we will discuss how to create a navigation drawer in Flutter. Let's practice creating a menu drawer in flutter.First, we must create new a project using Visual Studio Code software. Here's how to create a new project using Visual Studio Code:...
Jetpack Window Manager Jetpack Compose Fluent UI controls Get started App bar layout Bottom sheet Calendar view Drawer People picker view Date time picker Popup menu Snackbar Tooltip Android features Surface Duo API reference Test Kit Samples Flutter React Native .NET MAUI Xamarin Unity game development...
在现代应用中,导航是关键元素,特别是使用侧边栏(Drawer Menu)切换不同页面的场景。通过 Jetpack Compose,安卓开发已经从传统的 XML 布局转向了声明式 UI 方式,简化了很多工作。这个Demo演示利用 Jetpack Compose 和 Material 3 实现一个带有 Drawer 菜单的应用,帮助用户理解工作机制,通过此应用进行页面切换。 二、项目...
Jetpack Window Manager Jetpack Compose Fluent UI controls Get started App bar layout Bottom sheet Calendar view Drawer People picker view Date time picker Popup menu Snackbar Tooltip Android features Surface Duo API reference Test Kit Samples Flutter React Native .NET MAUI Xamarin Unity game developme...