dev_open_window(10,10,500,500,'black',WindowHandle) draw_xld (ContOut, WindowHandle, 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true') *手绘轮廓 *参数1:输出轮廓 *参数2:窗口句柄 *参数3:启用旋转? *参数4:允许移动? *参数5:启用缩放功能? *参数6:缩放时保持比例? dev_display (ContOut) 在QtCreator中 ...
dev_open_window(10,10,500,500,'black',WindowHandle) draw_xld (ContOut, WindowHandle, 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true') *手绘轮廓 *参数1:输出轮廓 *参数2:窗口句柄 *参数3:启用旋转? *参数4:允许移动? *参数5:启用缩放功能? *参数6:缩放时保持比例? dev_display (ContOut) 1. 2. 3. 4...
draw_xld— Interactive drawing of a contour. draw_xld( :ContOut:WindowHandle,Rotate,Move,Scale,KeepRatio: ) Description draw_xldreturns a contour, which has been created interactively by the user in the window. Directly after callingdraw_xldyou can add contour points by clicking with the left...
draw_xld(Operator) Name draw_xld— Interactive drawing of a contour. Signature Description draw_xldreturns a contour, which has been created interactively by the user in the window. Directly after callingdraw_xldyou can add contour points by clicking with the left mouse button in the window at...
draw_xld_mod— Interactive modification of a contour.Signaturedraw_xld_mod(ContIn : ContOut : WindowHandle, Rotate, Move, Scale, KeepRatio, Edit : )Descriptiondraw_xld_mod returns a contour, which has been interactively modified by the user in the window. ...
draw_xld(Operator) Name draw_xld— Interactive drawing of a contour. Signature Description draw_xldreturns a contour, which has been created interactively by the user in the window. Directly after callingdraw_xldyou can add contour points by clicking with the left mouse button in the window at...