1. Bulbs are constant resistors. The standard symbol for a constant resistor is... Learn more about this topic: Electric Circuits | Overview, Types & Components from Chapter 58/ Lesson 3 122K Learn to define what an electric circuit is. Explain the basic components of an electric circuit an...
Thanks for the suggestions from all. I haven't figured out how to create the symbols so they will show up only in the schematic and not propagate to the board, but I'll work on it. Do I have to create the symbols from scratch, or is there a way to copy an existing symbol an...
RESISTOR LED 2. Storage 2.1 Do not open moisture proof bag before the products are ready to use. 2.2 Before opening the package:The LEDs should be kept at 30℃ or less and 60% RH or less. 2.3 After the package is opened, the products should be used within a week or they should b...