Online database entity-realtionship diagram editor, data modeler, and SQL generator. Design, visualize, and export scripts without an account and completely free of charge.
#Admin tool#Webapps#SaaS... Created with Sketch.1.811 Sentry for VueVue Application Monitoring 💚 Sponsored by Friends Nuxt Hacker NewsHacker News Clone built with Nuxt #Webapps#SSR Created with Sketch.460 letsenhance.ioImage Upscaling Service ...
Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator. License AGPL-3.0 license 0 stars 1.6k forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications Alex-Yaf/drawdb main 1 Branch0 Tags Code This branch is 19 commits behind drawdb-io/drawdb:main. Folders an...
快捷键 DrawDB虽然是一个纯web的系统,但是也配备了全面的快捷键。在帮助里可以查看到全部支持的快捷键。 导入/导出 导入的话支持diagram和source两种方式。 导出的话,支持导出到5种数据库:MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite、MariaDB、SQL Server。 另外还支持导出为图片、JSON、PDF和自己的格式等。 ...
It also offers connectors between elements. A prominent feature of this tool is that it can import .doc documents that contain tables with different header styles using the style attribute. It also preserves the original layout of the table while converting it into an ASCII diagram. Textik saves...
Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator. - drawdb/index.html at main · drawdb-io/drawdb
"SQL Server","partner-community":"Microsoft Partner Community","microsoft365":"Microsoft 365","external-9":".NET","external-8":"Teams","external-7":"Github","products-services":"Products","external-6":"Power Platform","communities-1":"Topics","external-5":"Microsoft Security","planner"...
Hello everyone, is there a viewer for diagram like a Office Visio Viewer of Microsoft Office On Line Server? You can use the SharePoint Embed web-part to display diagrams in a SharePoint page - From choose Export to iFrame. ...
Code:cdx, cdxml Extension:.cdx, .cdxml Import Supported features [Atom properties:]( following properties are supported: charge, isotope, substituents, free sites, unsaturation, reaction st...
分别是Google drive,微软的OneDrive和本地磁盘。 如果我点击Google Drive,会弹出授权页面: 需要使用Google账号登录一次进行授权: 之后点击Open Existing Diagram就能打开以前开发好的存储在Google Drive上的流程图了: 要获取更多Jerry的原创文章,请关注公众号"汪子熙":... ...